
A common benchmark for becoming a “New Yorker” is having lived in New York City for 10 years. What happens when that milestone passes? “Home” is a personal documentary following a New York City transplant as she examines her relationship with the idea of home after living in New York for 10 years by revisiting the five apartments she has lived in during the past decade. Through conversations with former roommates, supers, and by returning to old neighborhoods, this documentary explores different meanings of “home” and paints a portrait of one New Yorker’s past decade in the city.


Recorded and produced by Debbie Rolf. Special thanks to Ashley, Kali, and Sonya.

Bedford Avenue

“Bedford Avenue” is a soundscape of a bike ride along Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn, recorded over the course of 6 rides during several weekends in September and October 2020. The audio from 4 of them was used to create this piece.

This piece is meant to transport the listener along Bedford Avenue from my apartment near Brooklyn College to the end in Sheepshead Bay, with the sounds of the bike reflecting the transitions between different neighborhoods.